Trick or Treat! How Will You Greet?

Happy Halloween! I’ve always enjoyed Halloween. As a kid, it meant tons of candy for my massive sweet tooth. As a dad, I loved watching our kids spend an evening pretending to be an action hero, professional athlete or favorite TV character. And as “Papa”, I love seeing the characters that my kids have their young kids become on Halloween night.


I talk a lot about the Enneagram and how valuable it is for communication, personal growth, spiritual transformation and much more. Sometimes, I enjoy having fun with the stereotypes of the Enneagram styles and thinking about how they impact our normal living.

So just for fun, on Halloween 2019, as you’re greeting trick-or-treaters at your door, see how your Enneagram style shows up. It could look something like this:

1’s – Tells each trick-or-treater, “One piece only”. It’s the fair way for everyone.

2’s - Gives fistfuls of candy and runs out early. Just wants everyone to feel loved.

3’s – Gives king-sized candy to be the coolest house in the neighborhood.

4’s – Gives stickers and raisins so everyone knows how unique they are.

5’s - Has the porch light turned off to not be bothered by trick or treaters.

6’s – Gives out candy but has porch security camera on - Just in case!

7’s – Leave a bowl of candy and goes to everyone else’s house looking for a Halloween party.

8’s – Has the kids do something to show that they deserve receiving candy.

9’s – Offers an option for every variety of candy so no one is upset or disappointed.