Posts tagged thanksgiving
Grieving My Mother - 40 Years Later

In addition to Thanksgiving Day, last Thursday was also the 40th anniversary of the death of my Mom. She was only 53 when she passed away. For most of those years, I have a standard line that I use to describe her to people who never met her: “You were never loved until you were loved by my Mom and you were never hurt until you were hurt by my Mom.” I then explain how she may have been diagnosed today with bi-polar disorder or something else that might explain her significant mood swings.

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A Prayer for Thanksgiving Day

Amid football, family and too much food, we pause quickly and without inconvenience to remember and to thank. We remember ancient pilgrims who followed dreams of alabaster cities and financial opportunity;We remember hospitable first nation people who welcomed them, and then lost their land;We remember our family times filled with joy and filled with anxiety, and old scars still powerful.

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